I had previously written that the democratic Laws of Mdre BaHri or modern day Eritrea, the Hghi enda Ba, were revised in the 16th century under the Gonderian king Fasil. It was the first time since their creation in the 12th century AD. This was done because Eritrea had just become a colony of the Solomonic house of Gonder. http://milla4.blogspot.no/2016/04/loggo-tchwa-by-law.html
Although a Gonderian noble family moved to Hazzega & Tseaezzega, this colony was nonetheless made by appointing different Mdre BaHrian "Ras" from the different regions of the country to collect taxes to Gonder. The house of Gonder, a part from ruining our genealogy by its made up fictions, it also made sure to make the different regions of Mdre BaHri fight each other to prolong its rule, to control and collect tax income from Mdre BaHri. Nouns such as "Ras" and "Kentiba" are Gonderian imports. It was a time of instability, representing the destruction of the Mdri BaHrian democracy. Despite the fact that we won the wars with Ahmed Gragn and became friendly with the Ottomans, we managed to lose the second war Mdre BaHri had with Gonder.
This book, in courtesy of Semere Gh/Tensae, "Traditions de Tseazegga et Hazegga (The Traditions of Tseazegga and Hazeggga) is based on that imposition that the Swedish Johannes Kolomodin had no clue of at the time. Which in turn is why we should try to learn our history from our elders and from other indigenous historians that write books based on indigenous texts, tales and founds. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3QNSN1T1AiwT3Q1and0SUhwZDg/view It would be tragic if one was to base one´s history mainly on some foreigners adventurous time in Eritrea.
Other examples on how the Solomonic House of Gonder had infiltrated our ways;
The Castle of King Fasil in Gonder;
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