Monday, April 25, 2016

Loggo Tchwa by Law

A revised edition of  the Law of the Loggo and the Tchwa, the Mai LHam agreement of 1935, and Hamasien. The first edition was written in 1282 during the time of king Eskndr.

Document by courtesy of Semere G/Tnsae

It has since been revised 3 times;

1) During the time of king Fasil the Gonderian, 1650-1658, this was when Mdre BaHri lost the war to the Amhara.

2) During Italo-Eritrea at Mai Lham in 1935. It is also in this time that Eritreans (Mdre BaHrians) corrected their genealogy from the Gonderian legend of a common "Abyssinian and Mdre BaHrian Jewish" ancestors; the children of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. The house of Gonder had forced them to change their genealogy so that the coming generations would be brainwashed to believe that they were of the same ancestry as the "Abyssinians"; Tgray and AmHara. However, with the coming of the Italians, the Mdre BaHrians officially corrected this wrongful imposition back to the truth in written form. You need to see other sources for this, e.g. Tarikh Weledo Hizbi Eritrea
The legend of Queen of Sheba and king Solomon that was misused by the Gonderian rulers as a base for their royalty, is known to be a wrongful serious twist internationally, meaning any book that suggest that Eritreans are of this Jewish line is flawed and incomplete. Now, this is not meant to refute the connection between Saba and king Solomon, nor is it meant to deny Jewish presence in Eritrea and Ethiopia respectively..., what I am saying is that Menelik was not a direct and obvious descendant of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba, and that our genealogy can´t be explained by this Gonderian invention that most international and even some Ethiopian scholars more or less "reject" for its lack of seriousness.

3) During Brito-Eritrea.

The law regulated these topics: 

- Blood
- Marriage and consequences
- Public social offence
- Land regulations and distributions
- Animals
- Religious rights and church
- Justice and judgements

Few examples of Mdre BaHrian clans that cosigned the law since the beginning:
etc etc

Its jurisdiction;

to the East; Adi Raesi, Gobai, and Torat (Akkele Guzai),
to the West; Mdre Liban, Mai Albo bordering Beni Amer (Barka)
to the North; Habela bordering Deqi Teshm (Hamasien), incl. Adi Gua´edad
to the South; Mkhaw, Emni Tslim, Tsni´eto, bordering Adkeme Mellegae (Seraie)

Notable names; Loggo Tchwa and Kebessa Tchwa.

The socalled lands of the law (ዓዲ ሕጊ):

Zaul ዛዉል
Kelkelti ከልከልቲ
Tslima (which included the city of Dubarua) ጽሊማ (ንኣብነት ዲባርዋ)
Adi Barò ዓዲ ባሮ
Adi BezHans ዓዲ በዝሓንስ

The socalled lands of the law and custom (ዓዲ ሕጊን ወግዒን) :

Hmberti ሕምብርቲ
Weqerta ወቀርታ
Adi Wegrito ዓዲ ወግሪቶ
Adi Gebrai ዓዲ ገብራይ
Adi Felesti  ዓዲ ፈለስቲ
Emni Tselim አምኒ ጸሊም
Shiketi ሺከቲ
Barda´e ባርዳአ
Ktmowli´e ክትሞውሊዕ
Adi Ra´esi ኣዲ ራአሲ
Gobai and Torat ጎባይ ምስ ቶራት
Adi Wegi´ei ዓዲ ወግዒ

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